我们的目标: 审美 engagement allows students to not only appreciate beauty in the 世界 but to also make in为med artistic and interpretive choices
为什么重要: Mastering this ability allows students to discover and develop their own expressive voice, 独特的风格和创作过程.
They cultivate critical skills like creativity, 创新, 协作, 弹性, 同理心, 职业道德和冒险精神, all transferable to various career paths.
我们的目标: Students who master this skill are clear, critical and independent thinkers. They combine data, experience, reason and expertise to make and
为什么重要: A keen ability to analyze situations allows our students to rely on their own thinking to negotiate their positions in the
世界. They have the mental power to examine complex or ambiguous arguments, sorting fact from fiction and determining the best path 为ward.
我们的目标: Communicating effectively means integrating reading, 写作, 口语和听力, 还有信息技术, 计算能力和
growing attention to neurodiversity to meet the demands of increasingly challenging 沟通 scenarios.
为什么重要: Our multi-dimensional approach makes our graduates agile communicators who bring an array of knowledge and skills to the
ever-changing challenges of communicating in today’s 世界. Students who master this highly valued career skill will have a leg up in the work为ce.
我们的目标: Having a global perspective means understanding multiple viewpoints and taking into account the historical, 政治, 经济, 社会和
cultural systems that influence those viewpoints. It’s knowing that we are all citizens of the Earth, and that decisions made in one part of the 世界 have the potential to affect
为什么重要: Students who develop a global perspective will be able to navigate the 世界 by making in为med judgments and refining their own
ideas using views and values from diverse contexts, allowing them to work effectively with people from varied cultures and backgrounds.
我们的目标: The effective citizen is an in为med participant in civic life, 无论是通过志愿服务, active engagement in voting and advocacy, or
everyday decisions in their personal and 职业生涯. 学生们学习如何识别, describe and assess issues that affect communities as well as how to develop their own action
为什么重要: Service and caring 为 others are at the heart of vnsr威尼斯城官网登入’s Franciscan values, 我们的学生都有一个共同的信念
power of coming together to drive positive social change. Our graduates are equipped to contribute positively to their local, national and global communities.
我们的目标: Students will be able to define problems and utilize a range of 能力 and resources to reach decisions, 提出建议或
为什么重要: 问题 solving isn’t just focused on getting to an answer, but also in looking at the situation through different
lenses and paying attention to the ramifications 为 different stakeholders. Balancing the needs of everyone while finding a solution is a highly valued leadership skill.
我们的目标: Students will work well with others to achieve objectives, 管理冲突和 build relationships.他们积极地进行一对一的交流
沟通 and in small- and large-group discussion and effectively use conflict management skills.
为什么重要: 社会 interaction has changed since the onset of the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 pandemic. Much of the work that used to be done through group and
face-to-face interactions has shifted to 在线 meetings and text messaging. 方法可能已经改变, 而是建立关系的能力, 加深了解, 管理冲突和
我们的目标: Taking a variety of perspectives and experiences into account is an important part of decision making. We want students to understand the moral
dimensions of their decisions and accept responsibility 为 any consequences in all facets of their life.
为什么重要: The ability to understand your own values as well those of others transfers to all aspects of students’ personal and
职业生涯. This ability builds self-awareness as well as 同理心 and a deeper understanding of humanity.